Friday, December 5, 2014

20th Blog

Blogging has been a cool way to share a cyber journal.  Of course I don't write the same things on my blog as I do in my journal.  I don't believe a person should be sharing personal stories on the Internet anyway, but at the same time I think it depends.  For example I remember a girl had a very bad accident and to self sooth herself she would write about how she was feeling, and how life was going.  By doing this she received a lot of support from people she didn't even know from her blog.  Like I say, It's just my opinion about people not sharing personal stories, but at the same time I think it depends.  In my blog I never did share a super personal story, but I felt like I shared enough to allow people to connect with me.  Now, I'm a dude so I don't have the cutest blog in the world, but I tried to make it look as good as possible.  I think blogging is more of a girl kind of thing to do.  For example Morgan just took a look see at my blog and did all sorts of things to it to make it look better.  I had no idea you could do some of the things she suggested that I change on the blog.  Right now I'm looking at all the blogs of my classmates and it looks to me that they've all done a better job than I.  Not because I didn't put a lot of effort into it, I just don't think I'm a great blogger.       

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Peruvian Houses

In Las Flores I had some of my best mission friends.  Las Flores was an area in Lima Peru.  In our mission due to safety all the gringos had to have a Latino companion.  Don't get me wrong I loved all of my companions, but living with someone from a different country that doesn't speak your native language it can get tiring.  This area that I was in was so awesome because I had so many friends in it.  Not only Latino friends but Gringo friends as well.  We all decided that we were going to have some big service project every friday before lunch.  One such project took us many weeks.
In Peru they will just dig a whole into a rocky mountain and build a home in it.  You may ask from the picture, "How do they get concrete up there?"  Well, I'll tell you, they find missionaries who are willing to haul it up a 300 yard staircase.  We were always willing do service like that.
It was the most hilarious thing hauling all of that sand up there with those friends.  So many of them complained, and I'm not sure why but the way they complained made me laugh.  Elder Memmott was always the most funny when it came to complaining.  He would always talk about how after all of that hard work he was going to get a crappy lunch.  Sometimes the lunches were pretty bad, cow stomach was never my favorite thing to eat after hauling a bunch of sand up a mountain either.Although some of the service projects were really hard we had so much fun doing them.  I can remember accidentally poring the sand from the meshy bags onto my friend and just laughing.  Of course he wasn't laughing in the moment, but I was.  


This past summer I went on one of the best vacations I've ever been on.  The place is called Havasupai.  It's an indian reservation located in the middle of the Grand Canyon.  My brother and seven other friends planned to go in August.  When it came time to go many of our told us they weren't going to be able to make it.  It definitely bummed us out they not that many people were going to go, but my brother and some other friends were determined to go.  I've always liked to finish what I start.

When we got there it was two in the morning, but when you get there you aren't quite on the reservation yet.  You have to hike in ten miles.  So that's what we did after driving almost twelve hours.  It was one of the most awful hikes, but when we got there with all of our packs and such it was a blast.  We would go hike to all of the different water falls, but my brother and friends and I would do it a little differently.  When we hiked, we would basically river hike down the river.  This was the best part of the whole trip.  We would come to certain rocks during the river hike and do some flips off of them and things.  If I can just give you a quick visual of what we looked like.  We had on our bucket hats, with our camel backs with some water shoes.  There were times when we would be fully submerged in the water with all of our clothing on during the river hike.

Before you would get to the place where you could pitch your tent, you had to pass the indian village.  As I observed them I don't think they liked living on that reservation.  They all seemed so depressed and by the way it seemed like I was in third world territory.  It was very dirty, no plumbing no nothing.  Although there were little houses that looked nice to live in, but it was definitely a village.  When I smile at someone I usually get a smile back, in fact I expect a smile back.  During my time in the village I would try to talk with people or just smile at them and I got nothing in return.  We didn't hang around the village all that much, we just played all day hiking in and out of water falls.  

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ouch and Yikes

The other day I got this photo.  The first words that come to mind when I saw this was, well I actually laughed first.  Then I wondered how in the world it had happened.  She told me that she tripped while she was curling her eyelashes and ripped half of them out.  I saw her later that day and I had to give her a little smirk and she asked how bad it looked.  It did look bad… But it was probably because I was looking for it.  I immediately went searching the internet on how to grow eyelashes to see if we could help her out.  Turns out she was doing all of those things, like not using certain mascara, to use vaseline when taking make up off and all that stuff I have no idea about.  There was something she wasn't or hadn't used.  It was call Latisse.  It was some expensive solution that you put on your eye lid to help them eyelashes grow.  She has been using the solution for a month now and has made good progress.  Poor girl I thought to myself.  Isn't having luscious eyelashes one of the most important things for girls to have on their face?  Anyway she has been a trooper through the whole thing.  She acted very confident through it all and didn't make it seem like it was a big deal, even though it was for her.  

When bad things happen in life I guess you just have to stay confident through it to stay a stay a happy camper.

"What the Heck"

My grandpa has always taken us fishing.  Fishing is a great thing to do with a grandpa.  All grandpas like to teach their grandchildren how to fish.  When fishing with grandpa we do it on a boat, his boat that is a totally ghetto boat.  We put down riggers in the water to gauge the depth that we want with three other poles trolling the back of the boat.  There is a total of five poles in the water which means for a lot of catching.  In the Soldier Creek reservoir in Utah the fish we catch are good sized rainbow trout and cockney salmon.  What my grandpa taught me about cockney salmon is that they have very soft mouths.  So if you wrestle with one he will rip the hook out of his mouth.  All cockney salmon do is wrestle with you when you're trying to drag them in.  To remedy this problem he put elastic rubber bands on the ends of the hooks.  A very smart idea to catch the better tasting fish.

When I caught one he said it was too small and that I needed to put it back in the lake.  As I was taking the hook out of his mouth I forgot for a second that fish don't breath out of the water.  Due to that fact I had the fish out of the water for too long and when I finally got the hook out of his mouth it was too late.  The fish was dead.  I tried to run the water through the gills, but it didn't swim off, it just turned belly up.  When that happened my grandpa got very irritated with me and let out a few curse words.  When my grandpa curses at me I've never taken it personally, I just laugh.  I like when grandpa is that way with me actually it allows me to have a closer relationship with him.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mom's back

My brothers and I were very close growing up and still are.  I have a picture that brings back some memories, which is the photo on this post.  When Mom was single she would run a lot of marathons and half marathons with her friends.  She left for a weekend to the Oregon coast to run a half marathon.  I never have understood running marathons and such.  The greatest distance I've ever ran was three miles, and I only did that to complete a requirement for scouts.  When I finished I said to myself, "Well I'm never doing that again."  I actually never have ran that kind of distance since, sad to say.  Anyway back to Mom.  We always did miss her when she left for whatever reason.  And as you can see in the picture we were very excited to see her when she came back from Oregon.  In that picture she brought us headbands and T-shirts from the race and we were very happy to receive them.  Hayden (the littlest one) didn't have one because he probably would have been swimming in it.        

Guitar at home

Playing guitar has been one of those things for me that I really just like to do.  I started playing when I was twelve years old.  I can remember that birthday, I was sent on a treasure hunt and that's what I found.  There were a couple of things that inspired me to play the guitar.  The first thing was my step-father.  He didn't play a whole lot, but he did play enough for me to realize that that was something I wanted to do.  The second was a movie with Jack Black in it called the "School or Rock."  When I saw that movie I decided that playing the guitar was something I wanted to do.  Come my birthday that's what I got, and I've never put the guitar down since.  Kenny and I would always play, but now that I don't live at home we don't get the opportunity that much.  One of the highlights of me going home for the holidays is to play the guitar with him.  Since I've gotten a guitar Kenny has stayed stagnant in his progression which means when we play now I have to play easier stuff so he can keep up.  I've tried teaching him new things, and it's not that an old dog can't learn new tricks it's that they don't want to learn new tricks.  That's the case with Kenny, he just doesn't want to put the time in to become better.  Despite all of that it's still fun to play the guitar with him.  Thanks to Jack Black and Kenny I have a hobby that can last for the rest of my life.   

Chemistry is the worst

Chemistry… Chemistry is the hardest class I've ever experienced.  I don't know if it's BYU chemistry or chemistry in general.  I know that BYU is notorious for having a rigorous chemistry department but I still thought it would be possible for non-super human people like me.  I study the material I do the homework, I go to class but it just doesn't seem to pay off any.  Once I get into the testing center it's like seeing a different language for the first time.  Not only that but everything I seemed to have studied is not recognizable on the test.  Anyway I could just say, "Oh my brain doesn't work that way."  But I don't want to believe that.  I want to believe that I can do this chemistry stuff in the testing center.

I have heard many people say, "I can't help it, that's just the way I am."  I never have believed that people "can't do" or "have to do" because, "that's just the way they are."  In my case with the chemistry stuff, I obviously know there's more I can do to understand better.  Even though I've tried long hours to understand sometimes it doesn't work out, which means to me that I need to try harder.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Coming Home

Coming home from a mission was one of the most bitter sweet experiences of my life.  I can remember thinking when I was about to come back to the states, "I don't feel likes it's time to go back home."  I really did feel that way although I was excited to see my family and such.  When I said goodbye to my family at the MTC I wasn't too sad because I knew I was going to see them again.  When I said goodbye to my Peruvians I was a mess because I knew I probably wasn't going see them again.  Going home meant goodbye to everything that I had grown to love.  I didn't want to leave.  Never the less I did come home and it has been great although it wasn't when I first got home.

When I got off of the plane I had knots in my stomach and I didn't understand why.  Before turning the corner where I knew I'd see my family I let out a big sigh.  I made the corner and saw my mother jumping up and down when we made eye contact.  I couldn't help but feel a little emotional with a smirk on my face.  She gave me a big long hug.

Being home I realized I wasn't an "important" person to people anymore.  I wasn't thinking about people anymore.  Mainly just thinking about myself.  Where was I going to go to school?  Where was I going to work?  How was I going to make money?  After my mission it all became about me.  I had a problem, because for two years my thoughts had been him, her, they, them ect.  All I wanted to do for a while was take a one way plane ride to Peru and keep going where I left off.  

5th Wheeling

This year is the first year of my little brother's college career.  He goes to UVU and before we both got up here, we agreed that we were going to be roommates.  While I was doing summer sales in Texas he called notifying me that he sold his contract and was living elsewhere closer to UVU.  I couldn't help but feel angry, because now I was going to get some random kid for a roommate that I didn't know.  I tried to tell him that he would have a better social and a overall better college experience if he lived in Provo with me.  He told me that it didn't matter, but that he wanted to live closer to UVU.  Despite my trying to change his mind he didn't.  Come a semester later he hates where he lives and his roommate situation.  He admitted to me that if he could choose again he would have roomed with me.  So now he feels home sick, and misses his girlfriend back home.  During thanksgiving break my parents and I along with Hayden and his girlfriend (when we go to Boise I never seen him because he's always with her) all went to a movie.  I was totally 5th wheeling with them all but we all had a great time.  So now when my bother and I are in Boise he's the happy camper where as I'm the happier camper when we're at school.  I took a little picture just to give you a visual of my movie night with the family.

Grandpa Kissing Nurses

My grandpa on my mom's side never said much.  Not to me, not to anyone, he was just a quiet man.  Before I left on my mission he told me I has going to have two of the best years of my life.  I came back two years later to find him crying at the airport.  We were quite excited to see each other.  I noticed that my grandpa had grown old in those two years I was away.  I noticed that he couldn't keep his balance hardly at all.  In fact when I saw him in the airport he was falling over and I had to catch him, just to let you in on his physical state.  

It was the day of my home coming talk that it had happened.  My grandpa's balance was so bad that when he went to go get the mail that afternoon he fell and hit his head on the side walk curb.  My uncle got the call from my grandma and we all went to the emergency room.  Grandpa had never been the same since.  He recognizes people but he can't remember anyone.  He is much more out going in his state now than he was in his fully conscious state.  He will laugh and try to make jokes, but really they never make sense.  It's quite funny actually.  

This thanksgiving my older brother and I went to go pick him up at his nursing home.  I'm a fan of the nurses that take care of my grandpa, they're very good to him.  And he seems to like the girls because every time he leaves he'll give them a fat kiss.  . . . Now I've always like to tease my grandpa by playing with his ears.  I do this because he doesn't like to be touched.  For some time during the car ride to thanksgiving dinner I was playing with his ears.  He was sitting in the front seat while I was sitting in the back, so I had an unfair advantage.  Just because Grandpa isn't the same anymore doesn't mean I can't still have fun with him.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nike Headband

            We walked outside only to walk into a flood of anxiety, well, only me.  It occurred to me at that moment that I had lost my Nike headband.  It was lost, gone forever.  “Dude, Cameron I need to go buy a Nike headband.”  Without question he replied, “Yeah yeah no problem.”  Everyone on the team wore a Nike headband, and me being the youngest I didn’t want to look lesser then I already was.  I wanted to be a part of the crew.  Cameron knew this and graciously accepted my appeal to go out of the way to purchase one.
We never knew how to lose.  My friends and I in the ward were always the most tenacious when it came to church basketball.  My favorite player on the team was my older brother.  He was everyone’s favorite, and everyone knew he was the meanest dude on the court.  I always trusted him with the ball.  If anyone ever got rough with me he was very quick to defend me.  My brother and I had played with our friends growing up for years, which gave us a favorable advantage every season.  We had played hard and made it to the championship game.  We never missed a basketball game, but that particular day would force us to miss the important game. 
            It was six o’ clock on a snowy November night.  During the month of November we had church basketball.  I was a fourteen-year-old boy in the teachers’ quorum.  That meant that I was playing with kids much older than I was, two of them were my older brother Cameron and his friend Micah.  They were both seniors in high school and priests in the priest quorum respectively.  Our ward had a trend as a basketball team.  We would always wear Nike headbands with the Nike symbol above our right eyebrow with the Nike symbol upside down.
            I was feeling very exuberant walking out of Fred Meyer with my new headband.  As we were walking out to Cameron’s old beat up car with its dented in doors, we talked about what songs we were going to listen to, to pump us up for the game. That particular song would be the demise of our day.  We all got in the car and started to race to the game, we didn’t want to be late.  The car was hurling towards the game at forty-five miles an hour.  Micah couldn’t quite figure out how to work the radio and iPod at the same time (Micah never did have an iPod).  The system on the car radio was so intriguing with its changing colorful lights that I myself was getting sucked into the black hole.  Nothing outside existed, until I looked up.  Meanwhile, Cameron started to help Micah with getting a song to work on the iPod so we would get pumped up for the game.  Cameron was in the driver seat, Micah in the front passenger seat, and me in the back seat.  I wanted to be part of the conversations they were having, so I scooted myself kind of to the front in-between them to feel a little more included.  All this time I realized that nobody was looking at the road; not even me for the distracting neon lights inside the car.  I looked up only to meet two shiny red, and because of the distance, very scary lights.
            We were going forty-five miles an hour toward a stopped car in front of us.  I knew we were going to crash; it was inevitable.  There was no time to put on a seat belt, not for any of us.  The red taillights were so big and bright that it engulfed the entire car I was in.  The black hole was now a red hole.  Yet, I was the only one to see that we were about to meet those taillights with a very vicious impact.  I couldn’t slam on the breaks for Cameron, because I was in the back middle seat.  There was only enough time for me to yell, “Cameron!”  As I yelled his name I wedged myself in-between the back seat and the driver seat.  I hugged Cameron’s seat as tight as I could to prevent getting tossed out of the window dash.  I clenched my mouth, and squinted my eyes shut.  For some reason I thought it could have been over so I decided to peak across the right shoulder of the chocolate milk stained seat.  At that same instant I was violently hurled towards the front of the car and yet still managed to hang on to the seat.  On impact the car hit so hard that the back tires came up like the legs of a bucking bronco.  When they came back down was when I got tossed with such ease from almost hitting the dash to ending up in the trunk space.  We were all in so much shock but at this point I was the only one in the car that knew what had happened. 
            I quickly asked everyone if they were all right.  Cameron didn’t reply, only talking to himself stating how much trouble he was in.  I thought to myself, “how am I going to calm him down?”  I then grabbed Micah’s arm to get a good look at him, he told me he was ok in a dazed mutter.  The door was crunched so bad as if it were crumpled paper that I had to kick my way out.  When I got out of the car, to my despair I saw four more cars in front of ours, smashed.  I thought to myself, “Did Cameron start this five car pile up?”  As this thought crosses my mind I looked at the dash of Cameron’s car window where Micah was sitting.  To my alarm I saw a bubble protruding from the window the size of Micah’s head.  His head had shot through the window, due to not being fastened by a seat belt.  Immediately I rushed over to him, and before I could get there he shrieked, “My face is bleeding!”  His face had many lacerations from the glass of the window. 
            When all of the flashing lights surrounded us a fireman took a look and Micah and told us we needed to take him to the hospital.  All of our parents arrived with great relief that we were all in one piece.  Shirley (Micah’s Mom) came running over to his side with a bloody towel on his face scowling at him for not wearing a seatbelt.   She later said that we had been watched over by angels that night.  I believed her.

            I still wanted to go to the basketball game, but instead we went with Micah to the Emergency Room.  All the while I was thinking, “Cameron didn’t handle any of that well at all.”  All he did was stand there with his hands on top of his head.  All this time I wanted to be so much like him, and in one instant put Micah’s life and mine at risk.  I’m the one who was trying to be calm during the whole thing with the lady police officer telling us how much trouble we were in.  Fireman telling us we needed to take Micah to the hospital.  I felt like I had to delegate the whole thing until my parents got there.  I thought to myself, “Am I becoming an equal to Cameron?”  What does someone have to do for you to realize they’re not as Superman as you thought?  When in reality there’s a day we all see each other as equals.  As I shook my head clear of those thoughts Micah was ready to leave.  We all got into my parents’ car to drive home from that awful night.  My mom promptly stated with a chuckle, “Put on your seat belts.”   

Friday, November 14, 2014

Booya Moments

At BYU I've met some awesome people.  People I hope to call my friends for the rest of my life.  A surprise to me when I came down here was how much people are always studying.  It blew my mind.  I thought to myself, "Does anyone have fun down here or are they always in the library?"  I quickly found out that I would have to start doing the same if I was going to be able to compete with anyone.  Although all of your "playing" has to be done on the weekends, BYU isn't a bad place to go to school.  I can say I've learned a lot this semester.  Not only academically but socially as well.  Overall I like BYU, but I think the student section could be better at home games.  About that, have you ever seen the Utah State student section at a basketball game?  Two thirds of the stadium are students.  Everyone knows the chants and everyone chants.  Everyone stands up, and with all of those things combined I think makes for an awesome home game.  If I could change one thing about BYU it would be to better the student section at the home games.  

Friday, October 31, 2014

Reflection on Research Paper

This research paper was one of the more difficult ones I've written.  It was difficult because I didn't find it very argumentative, but rather what I was writing about was too obvious.  I liked that we had a lot of time to write it and brainstorm for a better paper.  The hardest part about his paper was the research.  Finding research to support your idea is actually quite tough, but once you find some good articles the paper begins to organize itself.  I used a lot of tools to write this paper.  I went to the writing center, I talked with my teacher, and I had my friends read it to give me feedback.  I hope that that will help my chances in getting a good grade.  I liked the fact that we started this paper earlier in the semester so that we don't have to be writing it during finals.    

Friday, October 17, 2014

Is two sets of parents better than one?

Zach Quinn

Sister Steadman

Writing 150

Research Paper

Is Having Two Sets of Parents Better Than One?
          My Mother was running around like a chicken with her head cut off.  She was running from point “A” to point “B” to point “C” in our little house.  While she was putting her make up on she was simultaneously putting on her shoes.  Mom was obviously late for something.  As she was frantically getting ready I heard the doorbell ring, and my Mother told me to go answer it.  When I got to the door I moved the curtains aside to see who the unknown person was on the porch.  It was a man, a man who looked relatively well dressed.  I thought to myself, “is he here to take Mom out?”  When I opened the door I introduced myself by saying, “hi my name is Zach.  I’m five years old.  Are you going to marry my Mom?”  That question must have taken him back, because he took a few moments to respond.  He said, “Hi Zach my name is Kenny, and no I’m not here to marry your Mom.  Is she here?”  I told him that she was, but she wouldn’t be ready for a few more minutes.  So, while we were waiting for Mom to get ready, he took me over to the piano and started to play a blues melody.  “I kind of like this guy,” I thought.

Thesis: My parents divorce has been one of the best things that has happened to me.  Although divorce does an awful thing to a family, remarriage is the best resource to better a child’s life educationally, physically, and emotionally.                     

Friday, October 10, 2014

Prioritizing time for faith (General Conference)

Richard G. Scott's talk was the talk that most spoke to me.  He talked of four things to better ones life.  Prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and temple attendance.  The two that stood out most to me was prayer and scripture study, and how we need to make exercising faith our first priority.  By prioritizing your time to make time for God through prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and temple attendance will bring peace into your life.
As a college student you're in a time in your life when you're making important decisions and you want to make the right ones.  Some of those decisions consists of a career, a spouse to choose and so on.  To be able to make those good decisions that are going to effect you for the rest of your life you want help.  Having a good relationship with God is probably something of benefit to have while making those important decisions.  Elder Scott teaches of that if we want to receive answers from God we need to make time for him.  He said that most answers we get from Him are through His written word.  We need to study the scriptures and the words of the living day prophets.  He said that studying those things is more important than sleep, school, work, and video games.  That was eye opening considering all I do every day is study school.  That being said I need to prioritize my own time to become better at those aspects of my life.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Ideas for Research Paper

In my research paper I think I'm going to write about divorce.  Not only about divorce, but how it is a beneficial decision.  I'll ask questions like, "Is divorce a good thing for the two spouses?" Or, "Is divorce beneficial for the children?"  I think this will be a good topic, because I think that it will be very argumentative.  Coming from a divorced family, maybe that makes me uniquely qualified to write about this topic.  Not only are my parents divorced, but my step-parents as well before they got remarried to my mom and dad respectively.  That will allow me to have at least four personal interviews on their view of divorce, before and after.

Thesis: My parents’ divorce has been one of the best things that has happened to me.  Although divorce can generally have negative effects on families, remarriage can be one of the best resources to better a child’s life educationally, physically, and emotionally, with the influence of a father figure.


I think divorce is a very controversial topic, but I agree with your standpoint. If things will always be tense and never work out, why would they stay? It's only going to hurt everyone more. You'll have a lot to say (:

You will definitely not be void of articles!  I would mostly want to be sure that you do not write a cliche paper since there has been so much discussion on divorce in the past years, since it has become  even more prevalent in the past few decades.

That is a great idea!  Personal interviews will really help establish your ethos.  And it sounds like it is something you are clearly passionate about or at least close to.  And I think the effect on the children and adults are both interesting sub-categories.

I like the idea of having a lot of personal interviews. Make sure you ad some facts and statistics in there as well to gain some logical pespective

I would suggest relating your personal experiences to the topic you have chosen and showing the correlation between the research you find and what you have personally experienced.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Essay Review

Essay Review

            In writing this essay some of my strategies were the following.  First was I skimmed the speech, read it, then listened to it.  By doing this enabled me to become very familiar with the speech.  Which also allowed me to not waste time looking back at the speech over and over again.  Second I wrote for a very long period of time.  I like doing this because I keep my train of thought and am able to write much more productively.  Third emailing, my rhetorical analysis to Sister Steadman helped me know the things I needed to change.  One thing I wish I would have done was to use the writing center before having Sister Steadman look at it.  Because the essay was tailored to somebody else’s words and ideas made for a particularly easy topic to write about.    

Friday, September 12, 2014

Traditions to be Tight-knit

When growing up people didn't know me by my real last name.  Growing up and still today I am considered a Johnson, which is fine by me.  I'm actually a Quinn.  I was five when my parents got divorced, and a couple years later is when my mom married a Mr. Johnson.  Mr. Johnson treated me like his own son, and his family stories became my family stories.  Hunting traditions that were passed down from his father (my step-grandfather) to him became a tradition for me to the present day. 

My step-grandfather also played basketball for the air force, and basketball became a tradition in my family.  You could say I was adopted into a family narrative.  I recently just spoke to my step-grandfather and asked him what he told my step-father Mr. Johnson before he married a woman with four sons.  He said to treat those boys like his own, and he did.  Before Mr. Johnson was apart of mine and my brothers life, we didn't fish, we didn't play basketball, we didn't hunt, we didn't go boating.  We just didn't have family traditions.  That has all since changed.  I believe that when a family has traditions is when they become tight knit.  

In my neighborhood, we are known to take people to the lake.  I never did like to take people to the lake because I'm selfish and had always wanted more water time behind the boat.  Mr. Johnson has taught us to generously give our time to other people, and that by doing that we show a charity towards other people.  I remember a neighbor of ours would always come over and ask to borrow the lawn mower.  Mr. Johnson always always let him borrow it.  No matter how bad of shape he brought it back to us, Mr. Johnson could never let that get in the way of his charity.  I've always remembered that.    

Friday, September 5, 2014

Live your life with a body

I think it is so interesting how notified a member of the quorum of apostles is.  I don't believe Elder Bendar has ever played a video game, yet he knows how damaging it can be to an individual, spouse or family.  I love how he explained that the misuses of our physical bodies are not only through immoral practices but not using our bodies at all.  When we are playing video games or spending tons of time through social media, we're not enjoying our physical bodies through wholsome activities.  We know that we're here on this earth to experience life with a body, so let's enjoy life they way it's supposed to be and use our physical bodies in the real world.  Some of the times I've had the most fun during my short twenty-two years of life is playing basketball.  I can look back and think in a selfish matter that those times playing in high school or college that playing basketball has been the time where I have enjoyed having a physical body.  If I were always cooped up playing video games in a house all day I would not have been able to experience many of those things.