Thursday, December 4, 2014

Peruvian Houses

In Las Flores I had some of my best mission friends.  Las Flores was an area in Lima Peru.  In our mission due to safety all the gringos had to have a Latino companion.  Don't get me wrong I loved all of my companions, but living with someone from a different country that doesn't speak your native language it can get tiring.  This area that I was in was so awesome because I had so many friends in it.  Not only Latino friends but Gringo friends as well.  We all decided that we were going to have some big service project every friday before lunch.  One such project took us many weeks.
In Peru they will just dig a whole into a rocky mountain and build a home in it.  You may ask from the picture, "How do they get concrete up there?"  Well, I'll tell you, they find missionaries who are willing to haul it up a 300 yard staircase.  We were always willing do service like that.
It was the most hilarious thing hauling all of that sand up there with those friends.  So many of them complained, and I'm not sure why but the way they complained made me laugh.  Elder Memmott was always the most funny when it came to complaining.  He would always talk about how after all of that hard work he was going to get a crappy lunch.  Sometimes the lunches were pretty bad, cow stomach was never my favorite thing to eat after hauling a bunch of sand up a mountain either.Although some of the service projects were really hard we had so much fun doing them.  I can remember accidentally poring the sand from the meshy bags onto my friend and just laughing.  Of course he wasn't laughing in the moment, but I was.  

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