Monday, December 1, 2014

Coming Home

Coming home from a mission was one of the most bitter sweet experiences of my life.  I can remember thinking when I was about to come back to the states, "I don't feel likes it's time to go back home."  I really did feel that way although I was excited to see my family and such.  When I said goodbye to my family at the MTC I wasn't too sad because I knew I was going to see them again.  When I said goodbye to my Peruvians I was a mess because I knew I probably wasn't going see them again.  Going home meant goodbye to everything that I had grown to love.  I didn't want to leave.  Never the less I did come home and it has been great although it wasn't when I first got home.

When I got off of the plane I had knots in my stomach and I didn't understand why.  Before turning the corner where I knew I'd see my family I let out a big sigh.  I made the corner and saw my mother jumping up and down when we made eye contact.  I couldn't help but feel a little emotional with a smirk on my face.  She gave me a big long hug.

Being home I realized I wasn't an "important" person to people anymore.  I wasn't thinking about people anymore.  Mainly just thinking about myself.  Where was I going to go to school?  Where was I going to work?  How was I going to make money?  After my mission it all became about me.  I had a problem, because for two years my thoughts had been him, her, they, them ect.  All I wanted to do for a while was take a one way plane ride to Peru and keep going where I left off.  

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